Columbia Baptist Church made their annual trip to the Operation Christmas Child processing center in Atlanta Georgia last week. Pictured are front row: Mark Fudge, Evan LaBarge, Gail Watkins, Chris Albreckson and Aaron Labarge. Next couple rows from left: Justin Burris, Terri Radford, Kerry Radford, Mark Humphress, Tammy Humphress, Pam Burris, Jackie Phelps, Kathy Phelps, Ralph Jackson, Linda Jackson, Camille, Warren Dave, Warren Linda Watkins, and Mark Snyder from Orlando, Florida. Thousands of volunteers from across the United States, travel to the eight OCC processing centers, and donate tens of thousands of hours to help process the more than 11 million shoebox gifts before they are sent to children in need.

Atlanta is one of the eight processing centers across the United States that processes OCC shoebox gifts. Thousands of volunteers converge on these processing centers between Thanksgiving and Christmas to process the boxes that have been collected the week before Thanksgiving.

Columbia Baptist Church team members, Chris Albreckson, Aaron LaBarge and Gail Watkins we’re busy taping, scanning, and cartoning the shoebox gifts.

Columbia Baptist Church team members, Tammy Humphress, Kathy Phelps, Terri Radford, Mark Humphress, Jackie Phelps, and Justin Burris form an assembly line in processing the shoebox gifts.

Ralph Jackson of the Columbia Baptist Church taped the boxes one final time while Linda Watkins and Linda Bea Jackson inspected the boxes before taping.

Kerry Radford, Jackie Phelps, and Justin Burris we’re busy taping, scanning and cartoning the OCC shoebox gifts.

The boxes kept coming. The Columbia Baptist Church team processed several thousand shoeboxes in there two days at the Atlanta processing center. Pictured are Chris Albreckson, Evan LaBarge and Gail Watkins.

Camille Warren listens intently to one of the guest speakers provided at the processing center. The speaker’s share information about where the boxes will go and also many of the speakers have actually received one of the shoebox gifts. Most importantly, the speakers pray over all of the boxes that have been processed as well as all of the workers that volunteer countless hours at each location across the US.

Columbia Baptist Church volunteers at the OCC processing center in Atlanta, Georgia. The Atlanta center has processed over one million shoebox gifts with two weeks remaining.

(Mark Fudge – Operation Christmas Child)