The Christmas Tree Decorating Contest hosted by the Adair Genealogy & History Research Center of the Adair County Public Library was a success! Open for businesses, organizations and groups, there were seven participants this year. We hope for twice as many in the next year.
The secret judging was this weekend and all last week the public were invited to cast their ballots for “favorite tree.” The winners were:
First Place: Adair Arts Council

Second Place: Jakky Hoots, Columbia’s First Canine

People’s Choice: Girl Scout Troop 1214

Awards may be picked up at the Research Center anytime this week during our open hours–M-F, 9-5; Saturday, 8-noon.
The trees will remain available for viewing until the end of December during regular business hours of the Research Center. Come in and enjoy the decorations.
(Michael C. Watson – Adair Genealogy & History Research Center)