)Glasgow, Kentucky.) T.J. Regional Health proudly announces it has achieved accreditation for our T.J. Pavilion Specialty Pharmacy from the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC).
Accreditation by ACHC reflects an organization’s dedication and commitment to meeting a rigorous set of standards for quality and safety, which demonstrate a commitment to providing the highest standards of patient care.
ACHC is a nonprofit organization that has stood as a symbol of quality and excellence since 1986. ACHC is ISO 9001:2015 certified and has CMS deeming authority for Specialty Pharmacy, Home Health, Hospice and DMEPOS.
Ryan Burris, Specialty Pharmacy Manager stated, “T.J. Specialty Pharmacy serves patients with often times serious medical conditions. Our pharmacy goes beyond dispensing medication to provide in-depth education, monitoring, and care management that addresses each patient’s unique need. ACHC accreditation assures that we are meeting the highest standards for quality, safety and consistency.”
For more information, please visit tjregionalhealth.org/services/specialtypharmacy or call 270.659.5596.

About T.J. Regional Health
T.J. Regional Health, the parent system of T.J. Samson Community Hospital and T.J. Health Columbia is accredited by The Joint Commission and is the healthcare destination in southcentral Kentucky. In addition to two hospitals, the growing organization owns and operates the T.J. Health Pavilion, the Family Medicine Center and Residency Program, Hospice and Home Care Services, T.J. Orthopedics, Rural Health Clinics throughout southcentral Kentucky, and R+ Med Spa. For more information about the services offered at T.J. Regional Health, please visit www.tjregionalhealth.org.
(Bart Logsdon, Marketing Liaison – TJ Regional Health)