Representative Neighbors Legislative Update: Advice For Families Preparing For The New School Year

It is that time of year again! From the fresh cartons of crayons to sparkling new backpacks on store shelves, it is easy to see that a new school year is on the horizon. As back-to-school season ramps up, I am reminded of the work teachers, parents, and students across the Commonwealth put into education each day.

In the spirit of their dedication to education, I would like to take a moment to speak directly to students and parents. To students: many of you are preparing to embark on a brand-new chapter of your lives. You may face challenges along the way, but just remember that nothing worth doing is ever easy. Lean on your friends and family, and do not let anything stand between you and academic success. To parents: I know that every school year is a reminder that your child is growing up. Celebrate their successes, and know that they are prepared to be successful because of you.

None of this is lost on me, not for a moment. As a member of the Kentucky House of Representatives, I will continue to be an advocate for parents, students, and families across this Commonwealth. Protecting our children and ensuring their academic success continues to be a priority for this legislature.

By investing in our students, we are securing the future of our Commonwealth. We owe it to our children and to ourselves to do whatever we can to better protect students, enhance their education, and spur their creativity. During the 2024 Regular Session, we passed a series of laws that increased student safety and encouraged academic growth:

HB 162 focuses on improving the teaching and comprehension of mathematics by increasing accountability, expanding training and support for teachers, as well as hands-on intervention for students. The measure also aligns postsecondary preparation for teacher candidates and establishes the Kentucky Numeracy Counts Funds to support teachers in local districts.

HB 169 mandates public, accessible placement of AED devices in all public schools. AEDs are to be present at sporting events as well, making it safer for students to go to school.

HB 611 ensures more accountability for chronic absenteeism by requiring school officials to file a complaint with the county attorney when a K-5 student misses 15 days of school without an excuse.

HB 535 mandates students enroll in either a one-half credit hour civics course or take a 100-question quiz, each of which encourages more engagement with core principles of the United States and its government structure.

HB 142 penalizes nicotine, tobacco, and vape use by students, laying out punitive guidelines and prevention and rehabilitation resources for students. This is a first step towards combating the vaping crisis present in Kentucky schools.

SB 2 expands existing school safety statutes to provide both greater physical security and broader mental health supports. The bill allows local school boards to hire armed “guardian” safety officers until a school resource officer is available. The measure also updates requirements regarding trauma-informed teams; expands existing suicide prevention training to employees who work with students in grades 4-12; and requires districts to provide an anonymous reporting tool for students and parents to supply information on potential threats.

Please visit the 2024 Regular Session Record section of the Bills page on to see how we have continued to put our students first.

Of course, we made history again by providing record funding for kindergarten through 12th grade public education – even after adjusting for inflation. We are committed to educating the next generation, and hopeful that we can continue to work with parents, teachers, and students to strengthen our schools and the opportunities Kentucky students have.

As always, I can be reached anytime through the toll-free message line in Frankfort at 1-800-372-7181. You can also contact me via e-mail at and keep track through the Kentucky legislature’s website at

(Laura Leigh Goins, Deputy Chief of Staff for Media Relations – House Majority Leadership)