Nick Fudge made the first drop off of the day on Thursday. He dropped off the boxes prepared by the Glens Fork Nazarene Church.

Jack Collins and Kim Goodin delivered boxes from the Beulah Chapel Church.

Kiera Bohne packed her own personal boxes for OCC. Kiera packed boxes when she lived in California and has also worked at the processing center in California.

Angie Irvin prepared boxes that were packed by the Mount Carmel Church.

Trinity Church made the final drop off of the day on Thursday. Their beautiful boxes were delivered by Jacqueline Watson.

The total number of operation Christmas child shoebox gifts delivered as of Friday morning is 2984. Adair county is only 16 bu”boxes away from breaking the 3000 mark for the second consecutive year. Making drop offs on Thursday were the Glensfork Nazarene Church, Trinity Church, Mount Carmel Church, Beulah Chapel and Kiera Bohne. Boxes can be dropped off at the Columbia First Church of the Nazarene Wheet Fellowship Hall through Monday.
Friday, November 22, 2024, from 9amCT to 11amCT
Saturday, November 23, 2024, from 9amCT to 11amCT
Sunday, November 24, 2024, from 1pmCT to 3pmCT
Monday, November 25, 2024, from 8amCT to 10amCT
Boxes can be dropped off at The First Church of the Nazarene/Wheet Fellowship Hall located at 1200 Jamestown Street Columbia, KY.
(Mark Fudge – Operation Christmas Child)