Inaugural ‘Spirit Of Columbia Awards’ Set For Friday, April 18th, Public Invited To Attend

Plans continue to progress on the First Responder Recognition Program scheduled for Friday, April 18, at 1 p.m. in Columbia. The logo for the event has been released.

This year the following will be recognized:

Elizabeth True, former member of Breeding Fire Department (now member of Columbia/Adair County Fire Department.

Charles Esch, member Columbia/Adair County Fire Department.

Jeremy McQueary, Colonel, Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Megan Arnold, Louisville Metro Police Department.

Tommy Kemp, Pyles Demolition and Recycling.

Josh Brockman, (former) Sheriff of Adair County.

The Adair County High School Band will be in attendance and performing; as well as the Cadet Corps from the Adair County High School.

Further information will be available as the plans progress. For further information contact Brandon Dickey will TJ Health Columbia or Mayor Pamela Hoots. It is a collaboration between the City of Columbia and TJ Health Columbia.

The public is invited to the event.

(Tiffany Collins, Assistant City Clerk/Planning and Zoning Administrator – City of Columbia)