City Of Columbia, Columbia Police Department Announce Inaugural ‘Citizens Academy’

*** UPDATE ***

The Columbia City Police will be offering a Citizens Police Academy to the public.

Applications for the program are available at the Columbia Police Department or at City Hall.

References and background checks will be required.

Class size is limited.

(Mayor Pamela Hoots)


The City of Columbia is pleased to announce that their First Citizens Academy.

The academy is a class held with representatives of the Columbia Police Department; with assistance from other first response agencies. The first class will be an initial four week session consisting of one day a week for a period of two hours.

The initial class will focus on the structure of the police department, emergency response, drug and alcohol training, possible tours of emergency organizations, and crime scene investigations. There will be a graduation ceremony at the end of the class.

Although the initial class will be four weeks; future classes are expected to last from eight to ten weeks as they prepare a more extensive curriculum.

“We are excited about this in our community,” said Chief Charles Greer of the Columbia Police Department.

Mayor Hoots, who has previously attended a couple of the Citizen Academies, is happy about the prospect for Columbia. “I think this is an excellent source of the community working together.”

Applications will be available within the next two weeks.

(Tiffany Collins – City of Columbia)