Adair County Clerk Greer: New System Update

From Adair County Clerk Lisa Greer: The new system is running; however, there are still numerous glitches that must be worked out by the State programmers. They are working continuously to solve these issues. Most transactions we can process at this time, but there are several issues that it will not allow us to process. Due to these glitches in the system, we will not be open on Saturdays in January. We will reevaluate the situation the first of February. Hopefully, these issues will be quickly resolved.

I would like to personally thank everyone that has been though our office this week, for their patience and understanding. It is very much appreciated. We ask for your continued patience as we learn, and state gets their glitches resolved. Please allow extra time when you come to our office.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out at any time 270-384-2801 or Please continue to remember to bring your insurance cards and ID’s.

(Lisa Greer, Adair County Clerk)