Asparagus is not only a versatile vegetable, but also relatively easy to grow. Unlike most vegetables, asparagus in a perennial that must become well established before harvest. While this requires time, patience, and a bit of weeding; the payoff is often 20 or more years’ worth of production.
Learn more about asparagus at the upcoming Winter Gardening Workshop on February 25th at 5:30 p.m. CT at the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service. Participants will not only be provided with the knowledge and resources to have a successful asparagus bed, but will also be provided some asparagus crowns to start their beds. Crowns will be available for pick up a week after the program.
For more information, contact the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service at (270) 384-2317.
(Nick Roy – Adair County Extension Agent for Agriculture & Natural Resources)