Campbellsville-Taylor County Chamber Of Commerce Executive Director Greg Gribbins Retiring

Campbellsville-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Greg Gribbins has submitted his notice of retirement which will be effective in November of this year.

“I am blessed and honored to have been given the opportunity to contribute to the long history of the Campbellsville-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce and Taylor County Tourist Commission,” said Gribbins. “I would like to thank the current and former Chamber Board members and Tourist Commissioners for their support and direction. Both these organizations are and will remain successful because of your dedication. I would also like to thank the many businesses and individuals who have supported me, the Chamber and Tourism. You are what makes Taylor County such a great community. While this is a difficult decision, I feel it is the right one and I look forward to this next chapter. Thank you, Taylor County.”

Gribbins was named Executive Director of the Chamber on January 1, 2021, and since that time the organization has experienced significant growth and measurable success in many areas.

Ann Dabney, President of the Campbellsville-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors stated, “I along with our entire board would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Greg Gribbins for his outstanding service and leadership as our Executive Director. Under Greg’s guidance, our Chamber has realized exponential growth, reaching new heights in membership, community engagement, and business development. His dedication and vision have significantly strengthened our organization, and we are deeply grateful for the impact he has made. When we brought Greg on board a little over three years ago, he shared that when the time for his retirement came, his pledge was to leave our Chamber better than when he found it; there is no question he understood the assignment and he has certainly delivered upon that promise.”

Gribbins’ impact has certainly been felt throughout many local and community events, namely the annual July Fourth Celebration, which is the largest of its kind in the state. “The recent growth and success of the Campbellsville July Fourth Celebration would not be possible without Greg’s leadership and vision. His tireless work ethic shows his desire to promote the very best of Taylor County,” added Chad Shively, Taylor County PVA and July Fourth Celebration Committee Member, “Thank you, Greg, for all that you have done.”

On March 1, 2023, the Taylor County Tourist Commission and the Campbellsville-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce entered into a joint agreement, marking the beginning of a successful partnership dedicated to working together for the good of the community. Under Greg’s leadership, this unification has not only strengthened community collaboration but has also streamlined efforts to promote local tourism and awareness of the many organizations, events, and experiences both Taylor County and Campbellsville have to offer.

John Eastridge, President of the Taylor County Tourist Commission Board of Directors stated, “On behalf of our board of directors, I want to extend our sincere congratulations and gratitude to Greg Gribbins on his retirement as our Executive Director. Greg has done an outstanding job, demonstrating remarkable dedication in growing and marketing the incredible assets that make both our city and county such special places in central Kentucky. His contributions have left a lasting impact, and we are truly grateful for all he has done. We wish him nothing but the best as he embarks on this well-deserved retirement. Thank you, Greg, for your years of service and commitment.”

Information regarding the application process for the Executive Director position will be forthcoming. Please follow the Campbellsville-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and both the Chamber and Tourism websites ( and for more information.

(Taylor County Tourist Commission and the Campbellsville-Taylor County Chamber of Commerce)